Hospital Expedite Letters

Due to increased waiting times for outpatient appointments, GPs have seen a rise in patient requests to “expedite” their appointments. We urge all of our patients awaiting hospital appointments to be patient and wait to be contacted. If you are waiting for your first appointment with a consultant and have not heard for a long time, please contact the outpatient department at the hospital you have been referred to for an update.

Patients are often requested by the Hospital to obtain a letter from the GP so their appointment can be expedited. Please note that simply waiting a longer time than you would wish does not make your request urgent.  If you are experiencing worsening of your symptoms, we advise you to contact your specialist directly so they can assess your condition and make the necessary arrangements if an expedite of your appointment is appropriate. If you have difficulty in accessing your consultant, we advise you to contact PALS for assistance.

If the hospital are insistent they require a letter, we have created this Expedite Template for you complete. Simply download the template and complete your details along with any relevant information in the yellow highlighted sections.

Once you have completed this, either print it off and bring it to the surgery or email it to FAO practice secretary, and we will send it to the relevant department. Please ensure all the details are completed as we will not add any further information.

If your appointment is delayed and you need an update, please ring the secretary of the hospital consultant that you are under directly for this information. We do not have any access to hospital waiting times or details of any upcoming clinic dates.